Wood-Look Commercial Flooring for Retail Businesses – Part 2

wood-look floors in a commercial area

There are countless options when you begin to look at the materials, colors and styles of flooring for retail businesses. If, as you look around, wood-look flooring is something you’re considering for your retail establishment, it’s important that you understand the pros and cons of various materials. Once you do, you can make the right […]

Wood-Look Commercial Flooring Options for Retail Businesses – Part 1

wood-look floors in a commercial area

When speaking with a retail business, we’re often asked about wood-look commercial flooring. Years ago, your only option for something that looked like wood was real wood or laminate. However, with today’s new products, you have many more including luxury vinyl plank, porcelain tile, and engineered wood in addition to laminate and real hardwood. These […]

Questions to Ask Your Office Flooring Installer

businessman walking through an office

Whether you need new flooring in a large office building or have a small office you’re leasing, you want the flooring you choose to look great and last. Of course, choosing the right material is essential. However, it’s just as important to make sure that the office flooring installer you choose properly installs your new […]

Pros & Cons of Various Church Flooring Options – Part 1

small group meeting at their church (blog post about church flooring)

Whether you’re building a new facility, remodeling your existing space, or it’s just time for new floors, you have many options. There was a time when the primary church flooring options were either wood or natural stone. However, today’s churches are different than those built decades ago. They have different areas, and sometimes, that means […]

What Should I Look for in Retail Flooring?

retail clothing store -- flooring blog post image

There are countless elements you’ll need for your store. Whether you’re a seasoned retail worker or owner, or this is a new venture, one thing you should already know is that the right flooring can change the atmosphere of your business. As commercial flooring installers, we talk with business owners about much more than just […]

How to Choose the Best Flooring for Retail Businesses

retail flooring

Whether you’re building a new building, finishing an existing space, or remodeling your current space, flooring is one of the many elements you’ll need. Retail establishments vary as much as flooring, which is why there isn’t one best flooring for retail spaces. In fact, there is a lot to consider, some we’ll cover in today’s […]

Choosing the Best Medical Center Flooring – Part 2

flooring at a medical facility

The flooring in your medical practice is an element that can add or detract from the overall feel you want in the office. Because of that, you don’t want to leave choosing your medical center flooring to the last minute or do so without consulting a flooring installer. There are many considerations that should go […]

Choosing the Best Medical Center Flooring – Part 1

flooring at a medical center

The best medical center flooring is going to depend very much on both what you do in your practice and the image you want to portray to your patients. That means the best type of flooring for your medical center may not be the best for someone else. Some practices choose multiple types of flooring; […]

Affordable Commercial Flooring Options

commercial flooring

Starting a business has many expenses. One that is not often thought of is the flooring. For many new businesses, finding the right durable and affordable commercial flooring is key. Although there are many options, depending on the type of business, certain flooring materials may be better suited than others. To help you find the […]

What Your Flooring Says About Your Business

commercial flooring in an open office setting

As you and your designer work together remodeling or designing your business’s interior, eventually you’ll discuss flooring. As a commercial flooring installer who has worked with designers, we know that the right flooring can add to the feeling or ambiance of any business. However, since it serves a purpose, not only does the material matter, […]